以下是朋友寄給我的電郵, 提醒女士們逛街時要留神,即使在人多出沒的地方, 也要提防。祝大家出入平安。
Dear all female friends in Hong Kong ,
Yes, This is a solemn(鄭重) advice, yes, this is a first hand experience, no, this is no chain mail.
If you are a female, or have any female friends you care dearly about, please let them know the following: Be extra vigilant(警惕)when walking alone in crowded area in Hong Kong , particularly in Tsim Sha Tsui.
Yesterday, 31st October, 2008 at 2010pm, I, Teresa Tong, got stabbed by a sedative(鎮靜劑) needle on my forearm around Cameron Road , Tsim Sha Tsui. Before I knew what happened to me, a fainting spell rushed through me and I was semi-paralyzed.
Thanks to Jenny, my friend in Germany who frequently pass me chain mails regarding female threats around the cities. I instantly knew what had happened to me - I have became a target for theft and robbery. It was all written in that chain mail - if I fainted, a group of mob will act as if I was drunken, picked me up, took me in remote place and rob... perhaps for more indecent physical assaults.
The chain mail didn't advise the action to take, so before I still maintained my conscious, it was a split-second of decisiveness that prevented me from being robbed.The reason I can still write this facebook note now is because I took the following actions:
When conscious still maintained, I pushed myself away from the crowd and RAN TOWARD THE MIDDLE OF THE DRIVING LANE in Cameron road. It was an act out of panic - but with hindsight, Fainting at the middle of the road prevent unwanted pickups and mobs and will catch instant attention by the police.
The fainting spell lasted for approximately 2 minutes, when consciousness returned, I called and immediately solicited friends to pick me up.
I sought immediate medical treatment - after several tests, it turned out that it was a mild amount of sedative that went into my bloodstream and nothing too serious.
I saw all these sinister acts on internet forums, chainsmails and, like most of you, I'd never imagined one day I'd be a victim. Today, I share this note with all of you to put the seriousness of this situation into your attention, also to share with you one technique for when this situation should ever arise.
I considered my escape a lucky one. But the next victim may not be so lucky. Please pass this mail to all female friends you know and care about. They need to know about this - it is happening around the corner of our city, not so distant.
Be extra vigilant when walking alone in crowded places. If possible, have someone accompany you at all times when out and about during evening.
Be vigilant and stay safe!
Teresa Tong
P.S: The person who stabbed me was a mid-length curly hair middle age woman. She looked like an ordinary "C Lai", but by what she did obviously she couldn't be one.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Beyond commercial, it's an art piece!
有位朋友將電影的精彩片頭剪輯, 我借用了作為參考, 真要多謝他慷慨襄助。輯錄的檔案中包括了: 七宗罪se7en, catch me if you can, spider man 1 & 2等等電影片頭,剛剛在看, 在當中我發現了這一個片段, 驚喜! 嚴格來說, 這不是個電影片頭, 是德國一隊管弦樂團賣的廣告, 今年於康城廣告節中拿了個"Cannes film lion 2008 Bronze award "。
Film: Musik Im Blut - Konzerthaus Dortmund
Ads from advertising campaign "Dortmund Concert Hall (Artists)"
A Symphony In Red by philharmonia Dortmund (Germany) with animated blood.
To know more - Some other commercials having great music background:
Friday, November 07, 2008
奧巴馬是Half White
半黑不白, 那就是黑!
回望從前的廣告, 有社教化的作用(Socialization), 將正面的思想帶給大眾,去推動一個理想而和諧的社會。時至今日, 或者大家會覺得老套, 所以這類廣告經已絕跡。就讓我們懷緬一下吧! 三個版本,一個訊息,對未來充滿寄望!
這系列廣告於1987年播出, 那時沒有互聯網世界, 也不是人人手上一部遊戲機, 資訊流通也不像現時發達。Simple mind is pure mind!
奧巴馬是Half White
半黑不白, 那就是黑!
回望從前的廣告, 有社教化的作用(Socialization), 將正面的思想帶給大眾,去推動一個理想而和諧的社會。時至今日, 或者大家會覺得老套, 所以這類廣告經已絕跡。就讓我們懷緬一下吧! 三個版本,一個訊息,對未來充滿寄望!
這系列廣告於1987年播出, 那時沒有互聯網世界, 也不是人人手上一部遊戲機, 資訊流通也不像現時發達。Simple mind is pure mind!
Sunday, November 02, 2008
是雷同, 還是巧合
朋友介紹這個網誌, http://welovecopy.blogspot.com/, 那裡記錄了很多如有雷同, 實屬巧合的廣告/設計個案。 多個對照之中, 唯有一例, 是外國抄香港, 我們算威一次吧。
無論如何, 將抄作拿去參加國際性比賽, 就很值得商榷...
無論如何, 將抄作拿去參加國際性比賽, 就很值得商榷...
Copycat?! Correct me if I am wrong!
The follow article I was posted in my blog earlier on this October. I posted it here again to make a comparison with the Original Salvation Army ad campaign done in 2006. The art direction, style and color tone are so similar...What a coincidence!
"一直有訂閱網上龍吟榜快訊, 今期最新收到的新聞是關於2008年倫敦廣告節, 我看見入圍名單內, 有這樣的一個得獎作品「非传统媒体类, 广告公司:上海Ogilvy & Mather,产品/服务:Unicef(儿童基金会),作品名:Wall / Bus Stop / Staircase」, 這個平面廣告應是"Wall"。創意很面熟, 我肯定看過相同的意念, 同樣用於公益類廣告, 是加拿大的作品, 看看我有沒有存檔, 找到給大家評一評, 莫非真的天下文章一大抄, 沒理由評審未看過那加拿大的廣告。 廣告界一直推崇創意, 看到這樣的情況, 真令人氣結!"
"一直有訂閱網上龍吟榜快訊, 今期最新收到的新聞是關於2008年倫敦廣告節, 我看見入圍名單內, 有這樣的一個得獎作品「非传统媒体类, 广告公司:上海Ogilvy & Mather,产品/服务:Unicef(儿童基金会),作品名:Wall / Bus Stop / Staircase」, 這個平面廣告應是"Wall"。創意很面熟, 我肯定看過相同的意念, 同樣用於公益類廣告, 是加拿大的作品, 看看我有沒有存檔, 找到給大家評一評, 莫非真的天下文章一大抄, 沒理由評審未看過那加拿大的廣告。 廣告界一直推崇創意, 看到這樣的情況, 真令人氣結!"
Finally, I found these print ads!!
I downloaded them from an international ad website on November 2006. This advertising campaign, was developed by agency ACLC, Toronto for Salvation Army in Canada, other than print ads, there is also TV commerical.
第一張: 日本在幾年前刊出的一個平面廣告; 第二張: 香港和記寬頻的最新廣告,不單有平面還有電視廣告。
那麼巧合? 都是靚女頭機械人腳(還要同樣是高達系列入面的機械人)﹑水手服﹑相同姿勢...好想為創意默哀!
那麼巧合? 都是靚女頭機械人腳(還要同樣是高達系列入面的機械人)﹑水手服﹑相同姿勢...好想為創意默哀!
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