Monday, November 30, 2009

小廣告, 大迴響

沒有百萬金元製作費, 沒有大明星大陣容, 卻引起全港注意。這個應該是香港近期最受歡迎的廣告, 連雜誌也登刊了有關訪問, 他們走訪了負責創作的公司, 客戶以及最搶鏡的小演員, 鋒頭一時無兩, 聽說那段背景廣告音樂有得download做ringtone。截至這篇blog出街, 它在YouTube的點擊次數高達111,618次, 深得香港市民的支持。

怎樣為之是成功的廣告? 這個萬寧廣告扼要說明了。作為廣告人, 想贏得金帆創意大獎, 還是想贏得全港市民支持, 贏哪一樣滿足感較大呢?

今早, 把朋友提出的SCMP報導與一班學生分享, 學生問我: Miss你想唔想攞金帆? 我無言, 但心裡答 (當然想攞, 但要攞得光彩, 有群眾支持作基礎, 有市場業績作支持, 而不是小圈子的遊戲!)


Gov to send copycat champions to international awards 。。^.^'是朋友今早在這裡留言的第一句, 他引述了今天出版的南華早報SCMP。當中的一篇文章,好值得思考…

近月出籠的施政報告鼓勵本港六大創意產業, 廣告界與創意產業有直接關連, 政府當然大力支持, 今次更破天荒出錢支持廣告公司參加海外的國際性廣告獎。事實上, 大型跨國廣告公司一向都會撥出預算, 讓優秀的創意作品出戰海外參加國際大賽,好為公司擦亮創意招牌, 增加知名度, 從而招攬更多生意。若你有看這個blog的前兩篇, 對於今次香港政府主動提出支助今年金帆廣告大獎得主,你猜會否惹來爭議呢?

再者,大型跨國廣告公司並非沒有錢。我有份納稅的, 敢問政府, 你問吓我意見好唔好!


Title of the article: Ad award winners get funds to shine overseas

SCMP Reporter: Vivienne Chow
Date: Nov 30, 2009

A new funding scheme aims to see home-grown advertising talent acknowledged on the world stage.

CreateHK has earmarked HK$600,000 from the HK$300 million CreateSmart Initiative to fund winners of the Kam Fan Awards, the grand prix of Hong Kong advertising.

Winners of the awards, organised by the Association of Accredited Advertising Agencies of Hong Kong (HK4As), will attend three prestigious international advertising award ceremonies - the Cannes Advertising Festival in France, D&AD in Britain, and Spikes Asia in Singapore.

The money will also fund participation by local young advertising professionals in two competitions in Southeast Asia.

Alan Siu, acting head of CreateHK, said more exposure for local creative talent on the international stage was important for the development of the creative industries.

"But if these companies choose not to go because of finances, it'll be a real pity," Siu said. "By providing assistance to participants, we hope the talent can shine on the world stage."

Siu said that the Film Development Fund had been funding Hong Kong films' participation in international film festivals, and many had garnered international acclaim and awards - boosting the reputation of the Hong Kong film industry.

Siu said those representing Hong Kong at international advertising awards could also attend seminars and network with world-class talent.

"When they return to Hong Kong, HK4As will arrange for them to share their experiences with industry practitioners," Siu said.

The modest funding would cover participants' air tickets and accommodation, and participants would be required to share rooms, where appropriate, Siu said.

HK4As said the estimated cost of the six-day trip to the Cannes awards was HK$38,000 per person.

Representing Hong Kong at the three international advertising award ceremonies will be two representatives of Leo Burnett Hong Kong, which won the grand Kam Fan and print Kam Fan awards for its Life Yoga "Sweat Campaign"; and one representative from McCann Worldgroup Hong Kong, which won the interactive/direct Kam Fan category with its "One Walk" campaign for Jet Li's One Foundation.

Leo Burnett Hong Kong executive creative director Connie Lo said she was grateful for the sponsorship and that without government sponsorship, a decision to attend the awards would have been difficult.

Siu said CreateHK was also discussing similar funding plans for other creative industry talent.

As of October, CreateHK has received more than 30 applications for funding from the CreateSmart Initiative and nine, involving HK$15 million, have been approved.

Thursday, November 26, 2009


前兩篇提及過今屆香港廣告金帆大獎得獎作品, 有人發現它的執行手法跟John Ross為Manic Street Preachers樂隊於2004年設計的 Life Blood唱碟封套很類同 (見上圖), 謂有抄襲之嫌。人家有血, 你有汗! 是參考還是抄襲, 還是根本不可混為一談呢, 你看如何? 答案自在人心!


再前兩篇又寫到導演彭發驚覺自己執導的電影"關人7事"海報有抄襲之嫌, 直認不諱, 難得!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009


前兩篇寫到同學都喜歡玩facebook上的遊戲, happy farm是最受歡迎的遊戲之一, 你不但可以種菜, 種水果, 種花, 要是朋友跟你在facebook連結, 而他們也有參與這遊戲的話, 你可在網上偷取他們農田內的收成。

今天看新聞, 有這樣一則, 也是關於facebook happy farm, 關乎到人命! 好, 一於給同學看看, 夠胆上堂玩facebook吖嗱!

2009 廣告創意獎一記

2009香港廣告界HK 4As最高榮譽的創意獎項, 金帆大獎(Kam Fan)得主是這一套三張的海報, 為一家瑜伽公司作推廣宣傳, 出自香港的李奧貝納公司。右下角有細細的標題寫著: Sweat off your flab, Hot Yoga at LIFEyoga

無可否認這套海報在藝術執行(air direction and execution)上, 誠然是很優美, 可見美術指導的功力, 但, 讓我深思到, 究竟怎樣才是一個「好」而「有效益」又能「與觀眾溝通」引起「正面迴響」的廣告呢?

我身邊的廣告界朋友都說, 廣告創意競逐, 只不過是個遊戲, it's just a game!


登入這個網站, 可以看到今屆Kam Fan的得獎名單, 有幾多個廣告你是見過的?

Sunday, November 08, 2009


昨天的都市日報有這樣一段, 關於電影「關人7事」的電影海報, 電影導演彭發說直到最後海報要出街作宣傳, 才發現所托非人, 始知抄襲一事。我欣賞彭發不會包庇掩飾, 作一大段說話混過去, 同時讓我想起幾年前香港廣告商會的一系列擬似抄襲海報。明眼人一看便知有沒有抄襲, 為什麼還要死撐。都市日報那篇報導的原文如下:


趁彭氏兄弟重頭戲《風雲II》年底上映之前,細佬彭發率先發功,推出黑色犯罪電影《關人7事》。影片前名《玩大咗》,最後改做《關人7事》,彭發直認帶點粗 口諧音,他笑說:「意思咪就係關於7男6女所發生的7件事!從宣傳角度,覺得《玩大咗》唔多啱聽,雖然都係眾多青春演員,但今次故事絕不兒嬉,以免令人覺得跟《愛鬥大》差唔多。」
電影早前入圍韓國首爾忠武路國際電影節,亦成為香港亞洲電影節的閉幕作品,導演對於獲得影展垂青,覺得十分幸運。相反,一輯電影海報卻「玩大咗」,竟然跟08年一部荷李活片《絕點緝兇》(Vantage Point)幾乎一模一樣。原來在海報出街前,彭發一直蒙在鼓裏,難怪他顯得很勞氣。「唔係似,係直情一樣!我在掛海報的前一晚才獲悉,根本截都截唔住,成本廿、三十萬元,亦都截唔起,唯有焗住出街。我的感覺就似雷曼苦主,設計者好似刻意隱瞞一些事情,聽咗佢講,就信咗佢。但自問都有錯,只怪自己唔小心,作為導演,我唔會逃避責任。再者,根本唔係抄,直情係倒模,我唔係要追究,但都好想訪問下對方,淨係由把槍變做把刀,你以為會無人知咩?!」


這幾個月來有點忙, 要教夜校, 還有幾堂便大功告成, 下半學期由另一位同事接力。夜校由晚上七時至十時, 原以為三個小時很難打發, 結果無驚無險。作為老師的, 能否輕輕鬆鬆渡過三個鐘, 且看你的造化, 年多以來領教過各家各門的教學方法, 總結的答案是「豐險由人」 。即是說你可以狂做教材給學生豐富資料, 也可省力了事, 例如播一場電影, 或其他短片, 叫同學討論。或者給同學一個題目, 分組解散商議, 到時到時候回來匯報也可。最絕一招, 聽聞有人只教了兩堂, 便對學生說整個學期的課程已教完, 叫同學回校自修。

我們欺不欺場, 全靠自律。當然有課程指引及大網, 但你依不依是另一回事。說到自律, 很多成年人也做不了, 何況是十來二十歲的年青人。

話說我們有時候要在電腦室上課, 學生一人一部電腦, 問題也隨之而來, 他們會不由自主的上facebook, 不由自主的玩facebook的遊戲, 其中有一個叫happy farm的, 很受歡迎。我也有玩過, 是同事邀請的, 而她玩happy farm的原因是為了姨甥仔, 因為邀請越多人參與, 便可得越多獎分。她要為姨甥生仔拿獎分, 因此也玩埋一份。

上課時見同學玩happy farm, 火都嚟埋, 但我又不會直駡, 我學懂了笑住嚟說教, 內容如下:

「 Happy farm 好玩咩? 喺網上種多幾個蕃茄蘿蔔又如何, 話之你收成好好, 攞到好多獎分, 俾你贏晒又點, 你都唔會寫呢啲落你張履歷表吓話! 與其喺網上種呢樣種嗰樣, 不如去申請working holiday, 只係俾三十歲以下啲年青人申請, 去吓澳洲紐西蘭啲田園, 真係落手落腳種嘢收割咪重有意義, 你張cv寫你參加過working holiday, 去過外國見識過, 生活過咪仲好......嗱,我唔係唔俾你玩facebook, 做晒呢堂啲嘢, 你上網玩咩我都唔干涉。」

唉, 我越來越懂說教!
