Tuesday, January 09, 2007

37歲 Vs 23歲

一對37歲與23歲的戀人,能否開花結果? 一定是男女有別! 世俗眼光, 男人年紀大幾多也沒問題, 但姐弟戀呢...

早兩日看了部去年上映的電影PRIME, 港譯: 隔著阿媽說愛你。37歲的主角由Uma Thurman飾演,她有事業卻沒愛情、剛離婚不久、好想生個細路, 一直以來都接受心理輔導,在心情煩悶的當下,偶然遇上了23歲、沒有事業只有理想的年輕小子, 二人旋即打得火熱。Meryl Streep飾演Uma Thurman的心理輔導師, 連日來輔導兼聽盡來龍去脈後, 竟發現原來她的寶貝仔, 正是與Uma Thurman上床兼同居的那個年青人。故事便是圍繞著這種微妙的關係發展,敢愛還是拒愛、公私如何分明? 人生真的有很多心理關口...

口口聲聲話活在當下, 但當下的決定又影響著未來...見Uma Thurman的取捨, 有感而發。

你估吓Uma Thurman在戲中點抉擇? 去馬還是勒住條疆繩?
要是你喜歡Meryl Streep或Uma Thurman, 這片可以一看, 屬於輕鬆小品, 描寫兩性之的間關係也很有趣。And I love Meryl Streep more!


Anonymous said...

hey, notice you have changed the time to SFO time already.
so you are quite ready for the trip la.
i'd seen this movie on plane.
as much as i like both actresses, i think it's a bit cruel to have Streep playing the role of the mother-in-law.
personally, i think a difference of 15 years is quite acceptable, especially in the era where noone can predict what's going to happen to us, to the world, to this planet in the next 12 months.
why not make the best and most out of every day and seize the moments to have fun and love and be loved.
they should consider themselves lucky as they still exist within the same time zone and century that they have a chance to meet up and develop the relationship.
Have you had a chance to listen to Eason's song called 1874? That's a real tragic. Yes, the lyricist is Wyman.

Unknown said...

You are very clever. Yes, at least mentally ready to the trip! Physically, the luggage not yet packed. I like the open ending of the this movie!You are open-minded!
