Saturday, September 19, 2009


做老師, 有時都有點優惠甜頭, 例如昨天, 教授exhibition design的同事拿到"東宮西宮八之西九龍珠"招待學生優先場的門票。我從未看過"東宮西宮" 的劇目, 今次有機會以$20看, 當然第一時間報名。

我看的那一場主要是招待中學生, 所以滿眼都是著校服的, 看上去大概是中三四吧, 他們由老師帶領, 很嘈吵, 依然是小朋友!

聽聞"東宮西宮"有內涵, 口碑好, 但觀後, 與我期望的有很大落差。乜點解好似80年代歡樂今宵+港台頭條新聞那些諷刺時弊feel, 仲有唱英文粵曲, 填咗啲以為好好笑的英文詞入粵曲的調子裡面, 即係啲政府高宮, 和歡樂滿東華啲總理最喜歡唱的英文粵曲。

呢齣"東宮西宮之八" 全劇有十五場, 我諗在場的中學生悶了十場以上, 最後, 播了一首血染的風采音樂, 但在場好些中學生都唔知係咩歌, 悶到想嘔, 居然拍起手, 因為等完場等咗好耐....軸壓那個胡恩威導演出場, 幾惡, 幾嬲和幾有火咁問啲學生, 你哋點解拍手呀! 以乎說他們不尊重這首歌!

大佬呀! 成齣劇對牛彈琴, 我係大人, 個心都想話, 唔係吓話...最好睇都係陳淑莊扮香港皇后那一場, 至於其他十四場, i am so sorry, disappointed!!! 我忍不住問剛巧坐在我身邊的中學生, 他們1994年出世, 那會對64民運, 政府政策, 英文大戲, 還有這等流行曲, 一如: 絕對空虛, 蚌的啟示, 血染的風采,有共鳴, 硬加一首"波兒", 便以為好in!!! my conclusion is, 以為好in, 其實扮in! 無新意!

正場的東宮西宮, 門票都唔平....唔知以前的"東宮西宮" 會唔會好睇啲呢?

最後, 散場, 見胡恩威伴同民政事務局場曾德成, 介紹自己今次於文化中心搞的show! 哈, 呢頭又批評政府乜乜乜官商勾結, 話口未完, 又笑笑口陪高官....i am so confused!


Jonas said...

Mathius means well, and has been sticking to the work over 15 years, so extra credit for him for patience... but after all these years, he still cannot write or direct a stage play well. I have seen 2 "東宮西宮" + other plays by him, all would be much better simply by cutting every sketch by half. He just need an editor, and a director to do his material.

also school trips are one of the conditions of getting government funding (they get ~$10m per year, so we are all paying for tickets through tax whether you go or not; and also that‘s why he has to 打交道)... so the play isn't really for students...

ah zhou 亞周 said...

haha, thank you jonas for explaining the insider story!!
