Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Ad School

參加了香港廣告商會主辦的Ad School課程, 一共五堂, 每堂二小時, 分五星期進行。參加的同學, 大部份都是廣告公司出錢保送來上課的員工, 來自各部門, 以客戶服務部居多, 亦有創作部及媒體策劃部等, 聽說各人平均入行三至五年。同學當中也有數位自費參與的學生及非廣告行人士。 雖然我在行內的日子不算短, 但refresh一下腦袋也好, 這個世界轉得很快, 尤其是廣告行, 總是先行。

昨晚上第三課, 講述創意, 兩位講者Spencer Wong及KC Tsang都是知名的廣告創作人, 他們說這是第一次同枱主持創意講座, 聽來這個機會十分難得。

上星期分發了功課, 要大家回家做, 在今堂逐一呈報。題目有三, 任擇其一:
1. Go to buy one thing (with or without brand) and bring it back next session. Write down three usages beyond it should possess or normally being preceived as. Tell us why?

2. Get a current news from newspaper or whichever sources and bring it back. Write down three brand names you can associate with. Tell us how?

3. Tell us a story you think it's the most creative in your life. Or a creative story you heard that could say the most about yourself.

聽同學們present及講者的分享, 過了一個充實的晚上! 待我整理一下課堂內容, 下篇談談創意吧。

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