Let me jot down my friend's information, good for reference if any of you have swollen feet and legs.
12 Oct 07, 16:26 Christine: Don't be scare, but when you did your body check up, did you do a full scanning?
Legs and feet are reflection of our overall body health and internal system. Sometimes even the head will impact the leg and feet. I know that could mean expensive check up, but this is not normal to have swollen feet and legs all the time.
A friend of mine has tried full veggie diet (can still eat pasta, rice, noodle and lots of multi color veggie and fruit, bell peppers, carrots etc) but no meat, red or white, or even fish and shellfish.
That's a natural healing but needs to go on for at least 2 weeks if there is only toxin in your system and gas that's causing the swell.
Let me jot down my friend's information, good for reference if any of you have swollen feet and legs.
12 Oct 07, 16:26
Christine: Don't be scare, but when you did your body check up, did you do a full scanning?
Legs and feet are reflection of our overall body health and internal system. Sometimes even the head will impact the leg and feet. I know that could mean expensive check up, but this is not normal to have swollen feet and legs all the time.
A friend of mine has tried full veggie diet (can still eat pasta, rice, noodle and lots of multi color veggie and fruit, bell peppers, carrots etc) but no meat, red or white, or even fish and shellfish.
That's a natural healing but needs to go on for at least 2 weeks if there is only toxin in your system and gas that's causing the swell.
Yes nth hurt to try the all veggie diet la. So no more "pig neck meat" noodles ok!?
Paula,做運動辛苦過担泥,所以好服你成日做gym, 大家努力!
Christine, Thanks for your information, will try to have all veggi diet for detoxing.
Harwaie,哎呀,你爆我食豬頸肉米線! 幾個月嚟,都係食咗一次咋喎,係瘦肉嚟啫,清清地! 不過,多謝督促,以後少吃為上:)
名模腿部運動!! 原來要擁有一雙美腿, 得來不易!
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