Monday, May 21, 2007

3 short films (Warning: for aged 18 or above)

Sugar Baby Love

Baby Baby

Love Stories (Link to YouTube, you've to login and aged 18 or above)

Yesterday I wandered in BORDERS bookshop at Stonestown Galleria where just 15 mins walk from my home. I heard an interesting conversation between a father and a son. A 3 years old little boy talked to his father and said, " THIS IS MY FAVOURITE BOOKSHOP!" His father replied, " GOOD ATTITUDE!"

I also saw interesting phenomena. Bookshops in the United States are popular hang out places, because most of them have coffee shops inside. The beautifully decorated kids' corners also attract parents to bring their kids in. It's true that bookshops are lovely places for all walks of life. And I saw the books talking about SEX (with detailed photos on bodies postures) without plastic-wrap are displayed at the eye-catching bargain corner. Everyone can easily access those books. No parents think it's a problem. At least I cannot see an adult reported this to the shop keepers. I think, it all depends on right and good attitude.

I am quite long-winded because I want to show 2 short films here. They are in a series, aired in France to promote safe sex. Some people may think the content are sensative. That's why I have to make a preemption. I know gays love the "Sugar Baby" one very much, they think the video speaks their hearts. The third one "Love Stories" you can see it on YouTube if you login.

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