Friday, September 21, 2007

Feist - 1 2 3 4, a good strategy!

I accidentially saw this news from Yahoo, the new ipod nano TVC jingle is very popular. People are egar to know what's the name of the song as well as the singer. This news was posted on Sept 18, 07, which said : Queries on "ipod nano commercial song," "ipod nano song," and "ipod nano commercial" all jumped over 350% over this past weekend. Seems everyone wants to know who possesses the enchanting voice behind the raspy "1, 2, 3, 4."

The song is sung by Feist, she is an indie singer. I searched her song in YouTube, the view rate is over 1.5 millions upto this moment. A great jinlge contributes a lot to the success of an advertising/ marketing campaign. Go to her official website, knowing that she will have a concert tour to the West Coast of USA on November. Tickets pre-sale began at 3.00pm on Sept 18. The concert in San Francisco will be held on Nov 9 at Nob Hill Masonic Center.

The date when Feist news was posted by Yahoo is the same as the tickets pre-sale day. What a good marketing strategy! Does Apple also involve in this plot?

Feist - 1 2 3 4, MTV

Feist's live performance in David Letterman Show. See this video, then you will know where does she come from and how to pronounce her name properly.


♥food ♥sweets said...

i didn't know you like her also. Back in the bay area I could have copy all her CDs to you :)

There's a lots of commercials use her songs also. I think Verizon was one. Used hers: My moon my man.

ah zhou 亞周 said...

I know her recently, her voice is special. Thanks for copying her CDs to me!! Hey, you can go to see her concert in SF!
