Friday, July 06, 2007

The Fountainhead

Have you ever heard of a fiction named "The Fountainhead"? I know nothing about it. And how about you? I am curious to know how many Hong Kong people have heard or known or even read "The Fountainhead". I am doing a mini survey here to see how many of you know this book? Please tell me and drop me a line. Thanks!
I am sure this survey will reflect something interesting.

昨天有人提起他正看"The Fountainhead"這本小說, 關於這書目,我一無所知。你聽過或什至閱讀過嗎?我好奇的想知道有多少香港人曾經聽聞過這部小說,知道它的內容(請暫且不要查Amazon.com或Wikipedia)。我想在這裡做一個小小的調查統計,看看有誰知道這本書呢?調查對象只限香港朋友。這個調查內容將反映一些有趣的現象。請幫幫忙,留個言吧。


♥food ♥sweets said...

so your browser back to normal? :)

ah zhou 亞周 said...

No! It's handicap! Hey, what's your answer to this "The Fountainhead" survey?

Unknown said...

never heard of it.


Anonymous said...

never heard about this~~
hey, btw, when will you come back to HK ah?

Anonymous said...

The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand in the 50's (?) and a movie later with Gary Cooper. About two architects from opposite ends of artistic/professional integrity spectrum.
My opinion is slightly misleading because all architecture students would have read the book/seen the movie/marveled at Roark's integrety (students)/laughed at the ending(working architects).

Anonymous said...

Oh and the (big) book is actually quite good.
