Tuesday, January 23, 2007

乜 Side of Life?

Mr. Happy & The Cloud - "The Coke Side of Life" Global Campaign

凡事都是以 Idea 先行, 不單是廣告創作。上回提及由 Nagi Noda 執導的可樂廣告, 其實有Advertising Idea, 是要表達The Coke Side of Life。這個 Global Advertising Campaign 在2005年已開始, 至於所說的是什麼生活形態, 抽像得很, 據美國可樂總部的新聞中心說:

"We live in a world where we make choices every day and The Coke Side of Life encourages people to make those choices positive ones," said Marc Mathieu, senior vice president for carbonated soft drink core brands, Marketing, Strategy and Innovation, The Coca-Cola Company.
"This new campaign invites people to create their own positive reality, to be spontaneous, listen to their hearts and live in full color."
(唔, 這等Big Boss的說話, 真的要細嚼, 通常都是介乎你明白與不明白之間。要是我跟足字面解釋, 你一定會誤以為我在寫港台太陽計劃的開幕演辭。)

這裡展示的是"The Coke Side of Life"的 Global 廣告片, 進入官方網頁還有更多。香港好像沒有出現過這些Global作品, 都是Local 製作, 新一輯可樂廣告片已在電視播放, 見歌手鄭中基孭著張大圓飯枱, 走勻港九新界, 只要他開枱預備可樂恭候, 各式人等街坊鄰里都會出動, 獻出美食以享大家。 好香港式的搞gag手法! 作為一個全球性大品牌, 世界各地的宣傳推廣是否需要一統呢?

Coca Cola Press Center

美國有個Blogger狠評可樂這個Campaign http://andylark.blogs.com/andylark/2006/03/the_coke_side_o.html


ah zhou 亞周 said...

評語先寫為快。大家一定會說Act Global, Think Local, 知易行難,Local想多咗,會唔見咗Global; 太Global得嚟, Local又唔啱聽!

paulala said...

after watching the TVC, i think in fact it's platform should be "coke with food" (sounds very "retro" but it's what i was doing before i leave mccann)... of cos i don't know why HK mkt think this way... ha

ah zhou 亞周 said...

當鄭中基可樂廣告出現時, 留意一下TAG LINE是否 COKE SIDE OF LIFE先! 不過, 內容好明顯是講COKE WITH FOOD啦!但係COKE WITH FOOD 邊度有型呢? 食乳豬、炒蝦拆蟹灌支可樂, 確然係爽, 但同時想起滔滔有食神喎,當堂跌WATT!

Anonymous said...

I dunno why 鄭中基 and why 食乳豬、炒蝦拆蟹~~~this TVC simply drives me away from Coke, coz I duu want to look like 鄭中基!!! Maybe I am getting old?

esther said...

Yesterday is the first time I watched 鄭中基's TVC. I think the tagline didn't last for 1 sec.. I paid attention to the text but could read nothing.. :S
